E40S1BZ US Submersible Elevator Motor 40HP 3600RPM 160LCS ODP 230/460V 3 Phase J226

Regular price $1,798.95
Regular price $2,685.00 Sale Sale price $1,798.95

US Nidec E40S1BZ is a 40hp.  Available in open drip proof (ODP) or totally enclosed, fan cooled (TEFC) enclosures, HP ranging from 1 - 500, and a range of voltages & RPM’s. Choose Nidec General Purpose motors for dirty, industrial environments where the reliability and around-the-clock availability of your equipment is crucial..


Z-Flanged motors are suitable for use in elevators in low rise buildings using Allweiler pumps (SUB 140, 210 & 280) or IMO pumps (3SIC-187, 3SIC-200, 3SIC-218, 3SIC-250 & 4SIC-275). L32 Flanged motors for ALLWEILER®† pumps (SUA 140, 210, 280 & 440).

Submersible Elevator Motor features include:

  • Model # J226
  • Class F Insulation
  • Zinc Plated Frame, 32 MM Shaft, Lifting Provisions On Brackets
  • Stainless Steel Nameplate On Motor & Mylar For Wall Mount
  • 70°C Thermostat Located On Motor Frame
  • Single Ball Bearing Design To Fit Most ALLWEILER®† & IMO Sub. Pumps
  • 112" External Leads (Butt Splices At Approx. 12" & 47" From Housing)
  • Suitable for Wye-Delta Starting
  • Intermittent Duty (Rated 80 Starts/Hour In 50°C Oil or 120 Starts/Hour In 40°C Oil)